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In every forecast call and strategic deal review, sales leaders consistently ask, "Who else are we engaging with in this deal?" Unfortunately, the common response is often disappointing: no one. 

However, there is a secret weapon for sales reps — the Solutions Consultant (SC). If brought in correctly, the SC collaborates closely with the sales team to infiltrate the prospect's company, providing critical information needed to navigate deals more effectively.

As an SC, your role transcends simple sales cycle navigation. You're at the helm of fostering collaboration, uniting the voices and perspectives of various stakeholders to craft the ultimate pitch. Mastering the skill of multi-threading will help to set you apart.

Multi-Threading: The Key to Amplifying Sales Impact and Value

So, what is multi-threading? 

Multi-threading in B2B sales refers to the act of engaging multiple members of a single buying team (account in your pipeline). By developing relationships with more than one stakeholder, you increase your chances of making an impact and moving a sale forward.

Mastering the skill of multi-threading goes beyond “my manager is making me do it;” it's the key to earning a coveted spot to Presidents Club. 

So, why does your Sales VP talk about multi-threading non-stop? Well, when they go to bed at night they picture a world with a decrease in sales cycle time by 10-15%, coupled with a 25-35% increase in win rates. The reality is that it's not just a statistic; it's a testament to the power of engaging diverse minds in the decision-making process.

A buying team typically consists of six to 10 individuals, each with their own concerns and priorities. By embracing multi-threading, you're not just selling a solution — you're building allies, mitigating risk, and instilling confidence in your champions. 

Yet, despite these undeniable benefits, the reluctance to multi-thread lingers. Perhaps it's the fear of ruffling feathers or the dread of adding more meetings to an already packed schedule. After all, you've been told that this is a “fast moving deal” and you're sure this one is different. But let's shift our perspective for a moment. Think of multi-threading not as a chore but as an investment‌ — ‌a strategic move that pays dividends in loyalty, advocacy, and, ultimately, success. 

So, next time you hesitate to multi-thread, remember the untapped potential that lies with your trusted partner who adds more value than just a product demo.

Navigating the Multi-Threading Maze in Enterprise Sales

In most sales opportunities, it's not uncommon for executives to establish high-level connections. However, we've all experienced those moments when, despite these efforts, we lose out on opportunities because the end users favored a different solution. 

This underscores the critical role of SCs, who leverage their expertise to navigate the opportunity to create advocates. By ensuring alignment among management, end users, technical staff, and the IT department, the SC plays a pivotal role in recognizing and engaging with a diverse ecosystem of influencers. Overlooking these key players can jeopardize the successful outcome of deals.

Let’s take a deeper look at each.

End Users 

When it comes to multi-threading, SCs should strategically target specific roles and individuals within the buying organization to maximize their impact and effectiveness. Contrary to popular belief, one key group to focus on is not IT, but it's the end-users‌ — ‌the individuals or teams who will directly use the solution in their day-to-day operations. Building champions among end users is crucial, as their positive experiences and feedback carry significant weight with decision-makers. By showcasing how the solution enhances their workflow and productivity, Solutions Consultants can cultivate advocates who are passionate about championing its adoption.

IT Managers and Administrators

I don't want to diminish the importance of creating champions in IT, however. In some cases, depending on your solution, these champions are typically more difficult to cultivate and are not as interested in engaging. However, if you can engage, these individuals hold the keys to the technical evaluation, integration, and deployment of the solution within the organization.  You can bet during the evaluation the exec buyer will directly ask these individuals if they feel comfortable with your solution. It’s the Solutions Consultant’s job to make sure they give a resounding “YES!” By winning over IT managers and administrators as champions, SCs can ensure smooth implementation and garner support from those responsible for managing technology solutions.

Influential Stakeholders

Identifying influential stakeholders within the organization is also critical. These individuals may not be decision-makers themselves, but they influence and can sway the outcome. An easy way to spot these individuals during your meetings is to look for the person interrupting your flow before you can get two sentences in! In all seriousness, whether they are key influencers, subject matter experts, or individuals with a strong voice in the organization, involving them in the multi-threading process can tip the scales in your favor.

Existing Customers or References

Furthermore, leveraging customers or references can be a powerful strategy. Using a platform like Gainsight's Community or tapping into satisfied customers can provide valuable insights and testimonials that resonate with potential buyers. These champions can share their firsthand experiences and serve as compelling advocates for the solution.


By strategically targeting these key roles and individuals, SCs can unlock the full potential of multi-threading and pave the way for success in closing deals.

Proactive Strategies for Multi-Threading

To effectively multi-thread in deals, SCs must proactively engage with champions and stakeholders while ensuring their interactions are purposeful and tailored to the recipient's interests. SCs have to approach these engagements by asking, “What’s it in for them?” 

The initial hurdle often lies in establishing that crucial connection with a champion, especially when met with resistance from sales reps, or with silence due to a lack of perceived value. It's imperative for SCs to take the lead in reaching out, avoiding the pitfall of copying the entire team on email threads, which dilutes the potential for meaningful one-on-one engagement. Instead, leveraging the champion's introduction can significantly increase response rates, as people are more inclined to meet when they understand the benefits for them and are invested in the success of the solution.


SCs drive a range of activities geared towards fostering deeper engagement and building rapport with stakeholders:

  • Technical deep dives
  • Tailored demos
  • Proofs of Concept (POCs)
  • One-on-one meetings

These offer opportunities to showcase the solution's relevance to each stakeholder's role and expertise level, ensuring a personalized and impactful presentation.  

Regular updates on product enhancements and training sessions help to keep stakeholders informed and empowered, reinforcing the value of the solution and fostering a sense of partnership. Additionally, providing exclusive access to new features or beta versions elevates the stakeholder's status as a valued partner and encourages ownership of the solution. 

Thought leadership content, such as articles and whitepapers tailored to their use case, further positions the SC as a trusted advisor, enhancing credibility and strengthening the relationship with stakeholders. 

Through these strategic activities, SCs can navigate the multi-threading process with finesse, driving towards successful outcomes and cementing long-term partnerships with stakeholders.


As an SC, your role is pivotal in orchestrating collaboration among diverse stakeholders to craft compelling sales pitches. Multi-threading isn't just about boosting win rates and shortening sales cycles; it's about building allies who champion your solution. 

However, the path to effective multi-threading is not without its challenges, and to navigate this terrain, SCs must deploy a strategic blend of activities tailored to the interests and needs of stakeholders. From technical deep dives and custom demos to regular updates and thought leadership content, each interaction serves to strengthen relationships and drive towards successful outcomes. By embracing these practices, you will move past being ‘the demo person” to becoming the secret weapon for your sales team.


Profile photo of David Greene

About David Greene

David Greene has worked at Gainsight for nearly a decade, first excelling as an IC, where he received multiple Presidents Club honors and was named the top-selling SC three consecutive years. Currently, he leads the enterprise solutions consulting team at Gainsight, driving collaborative strategies with sales and product teams and managing key client relationships. During his tenure, Greene has also helped develop sales collateral, manage team performance, and represent Gainsight as a subject matter expert at industry events.

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In every forecast call and strategic deal review, sales leaders consistently ask, "Who else are we engaging with in this deal?" Unfortunately, the common response is often disappointing: no one. 

However, there is a secret weapon for sales reps — the Solutions Consultant (SC). If brought in correctly, the SC collaborates closely with the sales team to infiltrate the prospect's company, providing critical information needed to navigate deals more effectively.

As an SC, your role transcends simple sales cycle navigation. You're at the helm of fostering collaboration, uniting the voices and perspectives of various stakeholders to craft the ultimate pitch. Mastering the skill of multi-threading will help to set you apart.

Multi-Threading: The Key to Amplifying Sales Impact and Value

So, what is multi-threading? 

Multi-threading in B2B sales refers to the act of engaging multiple members of a single buying team (account in your pipeline). By developing relationships with more than one stakeholder, you increase your chances of making an impact and moving a sale forward.

Mastering the skill of multi-threading goes beyond “my manager is making me do it;” it's the key to earning a coveted spot to Presidents Club. 

So, why does your Sales VP talk about multi-threading non-stop? Well, when they go to bed at night they picture a world with a decrease in sales cycle time by 10-15%, coupled with a 25-35% increase in win rates. The reality is that it's not just a statistic; it's a testament to the power of engaging diverse minds in the decision-making process.

A buying team typically consists of six to 10 individuals, each with their own concerns and priorities. By embracing multi-threading, you're not just selling a solution — you're building allies, mitigating risk, and instilling confidence in your champions. 

Yet, despite these undeniable benefits, the reluctance to multi-thread lingers. Perhaps it's the fear of ruffling feathers or the dread of adding more meetings to an already packed schedule. After all, you've been told that this is a “fast moving deal” and you're sure this one is different. But let's shift our perspective for a moment. Think of multi-threading not as a chore but as an investment‌ — ‌a strategic move that pays dividends in loyalty, advocacy, and, ultimately, success. 

So, next time you hesitate to multi-thread, remember the untapped potential that lies with your trusted partner who adds more value than just a product demo.

Navigating the Multi-Threading Maze in Enterprise Sales

In most sales opportunities, it's not uncommon for executives to establish high-level connections. However, we've all experienced those moments when, despite these efforts, we lose out on opportunities because the end users favored a different solution. 

This underscores the critical role of SCs, who leverage their expertise to navigate the opportunity to create advocates. By ensuring alignment among management, end users, technical staff, and the IT department, the SC plays a pivotal role in recognizing and engaging with a diverse ecosystem of influencers. Overlooking these key players can jeopardize the successful outcome of deals.

Let’s take a deeper look at each.

End Users 

When it comes to multi-threading, SCs should strategically target specific roles and individuals within the buying organization to maximize their impact and effectiveness. Contrary to popular belief, one key group to focus on is not IT, but it's the end-users‌ — ‌the individuals or teams who will directly use the solution in their day-to-day operations. Building champions among end users is crucial, as their positive experiences and feedback carry significant weight with decision-makers. By showcasing how the solution enhances their workflow and productivity, Solutions Consultants can cultivate advocates who are passionate about championing its adoption.

IT Managers and Administrators

I don't want to diminish the importance of creating champions in IT, however. In some cases, depending on your solution, these champions are typically more difficult to cultivate and are not as interested in engaging. However, if you can engage, these individuals hold the keys to the technical evaluation, integration, and deployment of the solution within the organization.  You can bet during the evaluation the exec buyer will directly ask these individuals if they feel comfortable with your solution. It’s the Solutions Consultant’s job to make sure they give a resounding “YES!” By winning over IT managers and administrators as champions, SCs can ensure smooth implementation and garner support from those responsible for managing technology solutions.

Influential Stakeholders

Identifying influential stakeholders within the organization is also critical. These individuals may not be decision-makers themselves, but they influence and can sway the outcome. An easy way to spot these individuals during your meetings is to look for the person interrupting your flow before you can get two sentences in! In all seriousness, whether they are key influencers, subject matter experts, or individuals with a strong voice in the organization, involving them in the multi-threading process can tip the scales in your favor.

Existing Customers or References

Furthermore, leveraging customers or references can be a powerful strategy. Using a platform like Gainsight's Community or tapping into satisfied customers can provide valuable insights and testimonials that resonate with potential buyers. These champions can share their firsthand experiences and serve as compelling advocates for the solution.


By strategically targeting these key roles and individuals, SCs can unlock the full potential of multi-threading and pave the way for success in closing deals.

Proactive Strategies for Multi-Threading

To effectively multi-thread in deals, SCs must proactively engage with champions and stakeholders while ensuring their interactions are purposeful and tailored to the recipient's interests. SCs have to approach these engagements by asking, “What’s it in for them?” 

The initial hurdle often lies in establishing that crucial connection with a champion, especially when met with resistance from sales reps, or with silence due to a lack of perceived value. It's imperative for SCs to take the lead in reaching out, avoiding the pitfall of copying the entire team on email threads, which dilutes the potential for meaningful one-on-one engagement. Instead, leveraging the champion's introduction can significantly increase response rates, as people are more inclined to meet when they understand the benefits for them and are invested in the success of the solution.


SCs drive a range of activities geared towards fostering deeper engagement and building rapport with stakeholders:

  • Technical deep dives
  • Tailored demos
  • Proofs of Concept (POCs)
  • One-on-one meetings

These offer opportunities to showcase the solution's relevance to each stakeholder's role and expertise level, ensuring a personalized and impactful presentation.  

Regular updates on product enhancements and training sessions help to keep stakeholders informed and empowered, reinforcing the value of the solution and fostering a sense of partnership. Additionally, providing exclusive access to new features or beta versions elevates the stakeholder's status as a valued partner and encourages ownership of the solution. 

Thought leadership content, such as articles and whitepapers tailored to their use case, further positions the SC as a trusted advisor, enhancing credibility and strengthening the relationship with stakeholders. 

Through these strategic activities, SCs can navigate the multi-threading process with finesse, driving towards successful outcomes and cementing long-term partnerships with stakeholders.


As an SC, your role is pivotal in orchestrating collaboration among diverse stakeholders to craft compelling sales pitches. Multi-threading isn't just about boosting win rates and shortening sales cycles; it's about building allies who champion your solution. 

However, the path to effective multi-threading is not without its challenges, and to navigate this terrain, SCs must deploy a strategic blend of activities tailored to the interests and needs of stakeholders. From technical deep dives and custom demos to regular updates and thought leadership content, each interaction serves to strengthen relationships and drive towards successful outcomes. By embracing these practices, you will move past being ‘the demo person” to becoming the secret weapon for your sales team.


Profile photo of David Greene

About David Greene

David Greene has worked at Gainsight for nearly a decade, first excelling as an IC, where he received multiple Presidents Club honors and was named the top-selling SC three consecutive years. Currently, he leads the enterprise solutions consulting team at Gainsight, driving collaborative strategies with sales and product teams and managing key client relationships. During his tenure, Greene has also helped develop sales collateral, manage team performance, and represent Gainsight as a subject matter expert at industry events.

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Read this content here ↗

In every forecast call and strategic deal review, sales leaders consistently ask, "Who else are we engaging with in this deal?" Unfortunately, the common response is often disappointing: no one. 

However, there is a secret weapon for sales reps — the Solutions Consultant (SC). If brought in correctly, the SC collaborates closely with the sales team to infiltrate the prospect's company, providing critical information needed to navigate deals more effectively.

As an SC, your role transcends simple sales cycle navigation. You're at the helm of fostering collaboration, uniting the voices and perspectives of various stakeholders to craft the ultimate pitch. Mastering the skill of multi-threading will help to set you apart.

Multi-Threading: The Key to Amplifying Sales Impact and Value

So, what is multi-threading? 

Multi-threading in B2B sales refers to the act of engaging multiple members of a single buying team (account in your pipeline). By developing relationships with more than one stakeholder, you increase your chances of making an impact and moving a sale forward.

Mastering the skill of multi-threading goes beyond “my manager is making me do it;” it's the key to earning a coveted spot to Presidents Club. 

So, why does your Sales VP talk about multi-threading non-stop? Well, when they go to bed at night they picture a world with a decrease in sales cycle time by 10-15%, coupled with a 25-35% increase in win rates. The reality is that it's not just a statistic; it's a testament to the power of engaging diverse minds in the decision-making process.

A buying team typically consists of six to 10 individuals, each with their own concerns and priorities. By embracing multi-threading, you're not just selling a solution — you're building allies, mitigating risk, and instilling confidence in your champions. 

Yet, despite these undeniable benefits, the reluctance to multi-thread lingers. Perhaps it's the fear of ruffling feathers or the dread of adding more meetings to an already packed schedule. After all, you've been told that this is a “fast moving deal” and you're sure this one is different. But let's shift our perspective for a moment. Think of multi-threading not as a chore but as an investment‌ — ‌a strategic move that pays dividends in loyalty, advocacy, and, ultimately, success. 

So, next time you hesitate to multi-thread, remember the untapped potential that lies with your trusted partner who adds more value than just a product demo.

Navigating the Multi-Threading Maze in Enterprise Sales

In most sales opportunities, it's not uncommon for executives to establish high-level connections. However, we've all experienced those moments when, despite these efforts, we lose out on opportunities because the end users favored a different solution. 

This underscores the critical role of SCs, who leverage their expertise to navigate the opportunity to create advocates. By ensuring alignment among management, end users, technical staff, and the IT department, the SC plays a pivotal role in recognizing and engaging with a diverse ecosystem of influencers. Overlooking these key players can jeopardize the successful outcome of deals.

Let’s take a deeper look at each.

End Users 

When it comes to multi-threading, SCs should strategically target specific roles and individuals within the buying organization to maximize their impact and effectiveness. Contrary to popular belief, one key group to focus on is not IT, but it's the end-users‌ — ‌the individuals or teams who will directly use the solution in their day-to-day operations. Building champions among end users is crucial, as their positive experiences and feedback carry significant weight with decision-makers. By showcasing how the solution enhances their workflow and productivity, Solutions Consultants can cultivate advocates who are passionate about championing its adoption.

IT Managers and Administrators

I don't want to diminish the importance of creating champions in IT, however. In some cases, depending on your solution, these champions are typically more difficult to cultivate and are not as interested in engaging. However, if you can engage, these individuals hold the keys to the technical evaluation, integration, and deployment of the solution within the organization.  You can bet during the evaluation the exec buyer will directly ask these individuals if they feel comfortable with your solution. It’s the Solutions Consultant’s job to make sure they give a resounding “YES!” By winning over IT managers and administrators as champions, SCs can ensure smooth implementation and garner support from those responsible for managing technology solutions.

Influential Stakeholders

Identifying influential stakeholders within the organization is also critical. These individuals may not be decision-makers themselves, but they influence and can sway the outcome. An easy way to spot these individuals during your meetings is to look for the person interrupting your flow before you can get two sentences in! In all seriousness, whether they are key influencers, subject matter experts, or individuals with a strong voice in the organization, involving them in the multi-threading process can tip the scales in your favor.

Existing Customers or References

Furthermore, leveraging customers or references can be a powerful strategy. Using a platform like Gainsight's Community or tapping into satisfied customers can provide valuable insights and testimonials that resonate with potential buyers. These champions can share their firsthand experiences and serve as compelling advocates for the solution.


By strategically targeting these key roles and individuals, SCs can unlock the full potential of multi-threading and pave the way for success in closing deals.

Proactive Strategies for Multi-Threading

To effectively multi-thread in deals, SCs must proactively engage with champions and stakeholders while ensuring their interactions are purposeful and tailored to the recipient's interests. SCs have to approach these engagements by asking, “What’s it in for them?” 

The initial hurdle often lies in establishing that crucial connection with a champion, especially when met with resistance from sales reps, or with silence due to a lack of perceived value. It's imperative for SCs to take the lead in reaching out, avoiding the pitfall of copying the entire team on email threads, which dilutes the potential for meaningful one-on-one engagement. Instead, leveraging the champion's introduction can significantly increase response rates, as people are more inclined to meet when they understand the benefits for them and are invested in the success of the solution.


SCs drive a range of activities geared towards fostering deeper engagement and building rapport with stakeholders:

  • Technical deep dives
  • Tailored demos
  • Proofs of Concept (POCs)
  • One-on-one meetings

These offer opportunities to showcase the solution's relevance to each stakeholder's role and expertise level, ensuring a personalized and impactful presentation.  

Regular updates on product enhancements and training sessions help to keep stakeholders informed and empowered, reinforcing the value of the solution and fostering a sense of partnership. Additionally, providing exclusive access to new features or beta versions elevates the stakeholder's status as a valued partner and encourages ownership of the solution. 

Thought leadership content, such as articles and whitepapers tailored to their use case, further positions the SC as a trusted advisor, enhancing credibility and strengthening the relationship with stakeholders. 

Through these strategic activities, SCs can navigate the multi-threading process with finesse, driving towards successful outcomes and cementing long-term partnerships with stakeholders.


As an SC, your role is pivotal in orchestrating collaboration among diverse stakeholders to craft compelling sales pitches. Multi-threading isn't just about boosting win rates and shortening sales cycles; it's about building allies who champion your solution. 

However, the path to effective multi-threading is not without its challenges, and to navigate this terrain, SCs must deploy a strategic blend of activities tailored to the interests and needs of stakeholders. From technical deep dives and custom demos to regular updates and thought leadership content, each interaction serves to strengthen relationships and drive towards successful outcomes. By embracing these practices, you will move past being ‘the demo person” to becoming the secret weapon for your sales team.


Profile photo of David Greene

About David Greene

David Greene has worked at Gainsight for nearly a decade, first excelling as an IC, where he received multiple Presidents Club honors and was named the top-selling SC three consecutive years. Currently, he leads the enterprise solutions consulting team at Gainsight, driving collaborative strategies with sales and product teams and managing key client relationships. During his tenure, Greene has also helped develop sales collateral, manage team performance, and represent Gainsight as a subject matter expert at industry events.


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